Home » Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in Houston, TX » BioTE Hormone Pellet Therapy in Houston, TX

BioTE Hormone Pellet Therapy in Houston, TX

For men and women in Houston and surrounding areas of Texas, including Cypress, Sugarland, and Katy, hormone replacement therapy is a top concern. At North Cypress Women’s Center, board-certified (gynecological) surgeon Dr. Farhina Imtiaz specializes in BioTE® hormone pellet implants.

BioTE Hormone Pellet Therapy in Houston, TX

What is BioTE® Hormone Pellet Therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy offers men and women the best results when the supplements are easily digested and absorbed by the body. The hormones must also mimic those found naturally in men and women. BioTE® hormone pellet implants represent the most advanced delivery method for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

BioTE® Hormone Pellet Therapy Benefits

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy improves hormone levels in your body, but the outcomes are closely tied to the method used to deliver the hormones. BioTE® hormone pellet implants ensure that your body receives a consistent dose of hormones to regulate hormone levels. Other delivery methods may result in inconsistent symptom management, especially if you forget to use the creams, sprays, and pills.

Why is BioTE® Hormone Pellet Therapy Recommended?

Dr. Imtiaz recommends BioTE® hormone pellet implants to men and women because BioTE® hormone pellet implants:

  • Are formulated with plant-based hormones that are known to be bioidentical to human hormones
  • Are easy to use
  • Deliver consistent dosing of hormones

How is BioTE® Hormone Pellet Therapy Administered?

BioTE® hormone pellet implants are inserted just under the skin. The implant is smaller than a grain of rice, so it is barely noticeable. The implant is replaced every three to five months.

BioTE® Hormone Pellet Therapy Preparation

The preparation for BioTE® hormone pellet implants involves blood work and other diagnostic tests to verify that your symptoms are caused by hormone levels. If Dr. Imtiaz determines that you have a medical condition, she will refer you to your primary physician or a specialist. Once the condition is managed, you can return for a consultation to determine if BioTE® hormone pellet implants are right for you.

BioTE® Hormone Pellet Therapy Recovery

Dosing is an important part of hormone replacement therapy. Dr. Imtiaz will work with you over the course of several appointments to determine the best dosing of BioTE® hormone pellet implants for your symptoms.

How Much Does BioTE® Hormone Pellet Therapy Cost in Houston?

Our patient coordinator will help you understand your coverage after your consultation. Payment can be made with cash, major credit card and CareCredit® financing. Purchase BioTe supplements here: https://link.biote.info/la9

Is BioTE® Hormone Pellet Therapy Right for Me?

BioTE® hormone pellet implants are recommended for men and women who:

  • Want an alternative to traditional delivery methods, such as injections, pills and skin patches
  • Prefer a consistent and constant delivery of hormones into their bodies
  • Want the benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

BioTE® Hormone Pellet Therapy Consultation

BioTE® hormone pellet implants are an innovative solution for men and women who need hormone replacement therapy. To learn more about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and BioTE® hormone pellet implants at North Cypress Women’s Center, contact us to schedule a consultation.

Board-certified (gynecological) surgeon, Dr. Farhina Imtiaz specializes in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for men and women in Houston and surrounding areas of Texas, including Cypress, Sugarland, and Katy. At North Cypress Women’s Center, we offer BioTE® hormone pellet implants, as well as other types of bioidentical hormone replacement therapies.


Purchase BioTe supplements here: https://link.biote.info/la9

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